Certificate in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)
IGNOU Certificate in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics programme details
This awareness level, application-focused programme offers several methods for teaching arithmetic to kids in a way that will help them develop a good attitude toward it. The Program is intended for parents of young children as well as pre-primary and primary school instructors. Its main goals are to assist primary school teachers in critically examining their mathematics teaching methods and adapting them to fit the backgrounds of their students, to update these teachers on children's learning processes in relation to mathematics learning, and to make the discourse surrounding mathematics teaching accessible to a wider segment of society. The goals of this programme should be achieved by making the students aware of the importance of providing context and meaning while learning or teaching mathematical concepts, procedures, and skills. The learner has the opportunity to actively interact with young children to observe how they learn maths.
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Basic Course Information for IGNOU CTPM Programme
CTPM Fees, Eligibility, Duration, Medium of Instruction, Syllabus, etc.
English & Hindi
6 months
Rs. 1,800/- for full programme
10th Pass, minimum 18 years of age
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Programme Co-ordinator(s)
Prof. Parvin Sinclair, Prof. Sujatha Varma